Friday, July 26, 2024
Lead Management - Overview
Lead Management - User Profile
Event Management - Capture
Lead Management - Rank & Assignment
Lead Management - Close Lead
Lead Management System Flow Chart
Lead Management Systems - Capture
TactiCom - Company Overview
Lead Management Systems - Partial Client Listing
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Lead Management Systems - Analysis & Reports  

Detailed Marketing "Business Inelegance" Reports:

  • Dashboard with live report summaries
  • "Big Picture" always visible
  • Automated report generation and automated report distribution

  • Automated report triggers on specified event
    • Low closure rate by region, channel, average, product line, ...
    • Exceeds/Below pre-set limits
    • Follow up / contact time to slow
    • Many options available

  • Reports can automatically be sent as an E-mail attachment
  • Open data sources permit access to external databases, applications and analysis tools

  • Supported report formats:
    • New: Direct interface with MS Office - Excel reports
    • HTML reports
    • Text files
    • Graphics / Flash Charts
    • Delimited files
    • Database files

  • Direct interface with most CRM applications and databases
    • Tie in desktop, department and regional sales/lead data
    • Generate "Big Picture" lead status reports

TactiCom, © 2024

Lead Management Systems By TactiCom, Inc.
Contact TactiCom   •   © Copyright 1995 - 2024   •   USA: 800 501-4674